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قنوات تساعدك بكل سهولة على الوصول للمصادر التعليمية و الوظائف و النصائح المهنية و المنح الدراسية
دورة معتمدة اون لاين مجانية Develop a robust and extensible artificial intelligence system that syncs with characters' animations Use state machine behaviors and animation curves to drive game logic Design smart NPCs (non-player characters) that interact with their world in realistic ways Understand fundamental game AI concepts like envionement navigation, pathfinding, A*, state machines, animation state machines, etc. Import and animate multiple characters in less time with animation re-targeting Use ragdoll physics to support body part specific damage along with more realistic death animations (and re-animations) Implement screen effects that indicate player damage during attacks Identify and prepare assets, models, and animations for your game Learn how to use Unity's Mecanim system in conjunction with root motion animation and navigation mesh based pathfinding. Ahmed Sabry - أحمد صبري